Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ugly, Like Today

I have one of those feelings today that nothing is correct; that my life is this crazy mess and none of it looks familiar from what I dreamed it to be.  I have one of those feelings today that make me sick to my stomach and it almost hurts to breathe because it's a reminder that I'm still in reality.  Today I want to be asleep, because fiction feels better than right now.  It is one of those days where ANYTHING would feel better than right now.  I don't know what else to say, but I think Christina Perri say's it best in The Lonely, so I'm going to try to include that in here.  I'm a little annoyed with myself that this couldn't be more positive, but I'm not happy right now and I need my outlet, so bare with me...  Maybe next time it will be better... And happy.

1 comment:

  1. What a powerful and emotional song, Nini. Sorry it's been a rough day, but I'm glad you are using this outlet. Like you said, writing is therapeutic, and I know it helps me regularly. So keep writing, sis. I love reading your posts.
